Frequently Asked Questions
Short answer: No, not necessarily.
Long answer:
It is up to you how small or large your family is. For the couple who finds abstinence and/ or charting difficult, a(nother) positive pregnancy test may not come as such a surprise. Often, the case is that the “relatively large” families are large by choice. The statistics prove that NFP and the Sympto-Thermal Method as taught by Serena are effective means of avoiding pregnancy. Realistically, however, both husband and wife need to be motivated and willing to commit to following the method as taught. The beauty of NFP is that each day of every cycle, you can be informed whether you are fertile, infertile, or somewhere in between and make your decision accordingly as a couple to abstain or to be intimate.
Short answer: It can still work.
Long answer:
Don't feel badly! We've had all sorts of couples attend our courses and practice the method. We've had men nodding off during our course. We've had husbands more interested and on board with NFP than their wives. We've had men going green at the mention of mucus. We've had husbands raring to chart for their wives. We've even had husbands ready to wake at the chime of the alarm clock to hand their wives the basal body thermometer. We've had husbands who out rightly declare that they know not their cranium from their knee (as if that's an excuse not to have anything to do with NFP... HA!). Whatever your case, if you are on board but your spouse is not, it is indeed a win if your spouse even half-heartedly agrees to practice NFP even despite his doubts. The reality is that you will experience the full perks of NFP when both you and your husband are on board together; however, you can still benefit from working with your body as it was designed. Perhaps the first step is to ask your hesitant husband to come to a class with you. Taking a class is a great way to get information and ask questions. For husbands who just need a little nudge, the beauty of our courses are that they taught by a couple. He will have a real life MAN to talk to about his concerns, discomforts and fears. Often we find that with some man-to-man encouragement, the once seemingly disinterested husband begins to show some interest, relaxes and realizes, "Hey, this isn't so bad, and maybe I can have a part in this." Aside from the man-to-man connection, the science of the method itself that we will introduce at the course is often appealing to men, not to mention the charting aspect of NFP. However, if you still find yourself attending the course solo, despite your pleas and encouragement, remember that we are here to walk this through with you and that our teacher-couple will support you in anyway we can!
Short answer: Conflict, tension, heartache... *BUT* please read on!
Long answer:
No rose-coloured glasses here! Here are some scenarios to consider: 1.) One or both of you could have a high libido, which makes abstinence pretty hard. Communication during those times can get rough. Resentment for the one "going without" can set in. 2.) Charting may be harder than you think. Do your eyes go cross-eyed looking at several lines? Observing symptoms is one thing. Charting them is another. And yes, we expect you even to interpret the darn things... together! Charting and interpretation may not come so easy for you. If it gets to be too difficult, remember: that is what we are here for! 3.) Talking about your intimate life with anyone other than your spouse can be awkward and painful; but sometimes challenges are the prerequisite to growth! The investment of time, effort, money, energy, and maybe even a few arguments here and there is worth it if it helps iron out some real kinks in your relationship. We get that talking to us may be awkward, but we promise to treat you (and all that you share with us) with utter respect and reverence. We sincerely believe that your marriage is worth it!
Short answer: It's grey, but on average 8-12 days (that is, if your goal is to avoid pregnancy).
Long answer:
If you’re practicing NFP to avoid/delay pregnancy, you will generally need to abstain from sex (including all genital contact) an average of 8-12 days every cycle depending on your cycle length. It also depends on how open or closed you are to getting pregnant. If it would be wiser to avoid pregnancy given your situation (like for medical reasons), perhaps a lengthier time of abstinence would be advisable and healthy. Whatever the case may be, we can help you determine what your fertile window may look like. In general, whether avoiding or achieving, we are fans of abstinence. Life will likely demand of you ample enough times of abstinence, but even if you don't need to abstain we would encourage you to try it occasionally. Abstinence will challenge you to look at your motives for sex, to be considerate of each other, to communicate, to express your love and desire in other ways, to live your intimacy more authentically.
Short answer: Well, that depends on the couple!
Long answer:
If by "intimate" you mean "able to have sex," then it is really up to you and your goals as a couple. If you are wanting to avoid pregnancy, abstinence will depend on your cycle length and your days of relative fertility (we teach you how to calculate this). By observing your signs and symptoms, you can also know when you are relatively fertile. More sex doesn't necessarily equate to what we consider authentic intimacy. Cheesy as this may sound, think of the word "intimacy" as "in-to-me-see." We like to think of authentic intimacy as the seeing into and consideration of each others' hearts. It's the art of learning and honouring who and where each of you are. In the end, it's the journey of becoming less focused on yourself and more focused on your spouse and what you have to give. So, maybe the more appropriate question to ask is how satisfied NFP couples are. When both spouses are on board, NFP affords a priceless opportunity to delve into the most authentic intimacy that there is. And when couples live this authentic intimacy day in and day out, then yes, they are very satisfied! Sex -- real sex -- is not like the movies. But a couple’s commitment to living authentic intimacy means that their sex life can be meaningful and out of this world -- now that’s something a movie can’t quite capture!
Short answer: It can, but it doesn't have to.
Long answer:
Having intercourse only when the wife is in the relatively and/ or definitely infertile phases of her cycles (that is, if your goal is to avoid pregnancy) may take the "fun and spontaneity" out of sex, but it also offers a good opportunity for you to show affection to one another in different ways. Intimacy is not achieved only through sexual intercourse, and NFP helps remind us of that. There are many life events that may require abstinence. For example, food poisoning in Mexico during your honeymoon, lengthy business trips, after having a baby (for physical healing and due to fatigue), etc. Whatever the case may be, using NFP helps couples to flex the abstinence muscle. It may help you to know that that NFP helps to build desire. After a period of waiting, when the woman hits the definitely infertile phase of her cycle, often both husband and wife are on board to resuming intimacy. In this way, you both can still be very "satisfied" and all the more united! If the concern over fun and spontaneity really is just a manifestation of your desire for a good, satisfying life, then we would encourage you to look beyond just the factors commonly attributed to a "fulfilled" sex life. Frequent, spontaneous and fun sex do not necessarily equate to better sex or a better life. To us, a good, meaningful and happy life together is one that speaks of authentic intimacy. Cheesy as this may sound, think of the word "intimacy" as "in-to-me-see". We like to think of authentic intimacy as the seeing into and consideration of each others' hearts. It's the art of learning and honouring who and where each of you are. In the end, it's the journey of becoming less focused on yourself and more focused on your spouse and what you have to give.
Short answer: Maybe. The answer depends on whether or not you are open to having a "honeymoon baby".
Long answer:
When you think of your wedding, it's hard not to also think about your wedding night right? With so much emphasis on the wedding night from culture and the media, the idea of having to abstain that night (or any time during the honeymoon) may come as a disappointment. The good news is that the shock and disappointment will not and do not have to last. If it is better for you to abstain during all or a portion of your honeymoon, you will still consummate your marriage; you will just have to wait a little longer than what you may have originally expected. Your duration of abstinence will depend on your cycle length and where you are at that particular cycle. Abstinence will not be an issue at all for the couple whose wedding night and honeymoon happen to be during their definitely infertile phase. For couples wanting to avoid pregnancy and whose honeymoon period coincides with their their relatively infertile or fertile phase, they may need to delay consummating their marriage until the wife hits her definitely infertile phase. We recognize that you may first receive the idea of abstinence with hesitation, but the beauty of NFP is that you have a choice: what is better for you at this point as new husband and wife? Remember: although abstinence may first appear as something in the way of a couple's intimacy, it really isn't. Abstinence will challenge you to look at your motives for sex, to be considerate of each other, to communicate, to express your love and desire in other ways, to live your intimacy more authentically. Abstinence approached together and with the right heart and mind is unifying. Committing to the authentic intimacy that NFP affords, you may just need to flex the abstinence muscle earlier on in your marriage than expected.
Short answer: Talk about it with your spouse.
Long answer:
Many life events require abstinence, whether it is after a baby, sickness or separation due to work or otherwise. Abstinence certainly can be difficult and although NFP offers a holistic approach to your health and overall well-being as individuals and as a couple, we would not ever want NFP to cause division between you as husband and wife. Talking to your spouse about alternate ways of showing affection during her fertile time, and being purposeful in doing so, (whether abstinence is actually called for or not) will help you get through those times of the month when you do need to abstain. Remember: abstinence makes the heart grow fonder and the honeymoon phase is just around the corner. We don’t want to sugar-coat it: times of abstinence may indeed be challenging, but we encourage you to at least try it. It's a muscle that can be strengthened and ultimately can help you to grow closer together.
Short answer: You sure can be, but it depends on what you mean by "sexually fulfilled"...
Long answer:
In the end, yes, sex matters, as do all the variables influencing how "sexually fulfilled" you are or not - but - wouldn't you agree that intimacy matters more and that sex itself is only an expression (albeit the most significant one for husband and wife) of the kind of intimacy that you desire? More sex and even "better" sex doesn't equal what we consider as authentic intimacy. Cheesy as this may sound, think of the word "intimacy" as "in-to-me-see", the seeing into and consideration of each others' hearts - even and perhaps all the more in matters of sex and fertility. It's the art of learning and honouring who you each are and where you each are at. In the end, it's the journey of becoming less focused on yourself, more focused on your spouse and what you have to give. This "authentic intimacy" has been the honest and beautiful experience for us as husbands and wives and it is possible. It is something that you too can grow into and live. So, maybe the more appropriate question to ask is how satisfied NFP couples are in terms of intimacy and their overall life together. When you as husband and wife are both on board, NFP affords a priceless opportunity to delve into the most authentic intimacy that there is. And when they live this authentic intimacy day in and day out, yes, they are very satisfied. You might not have the most sex and despite your years together, you may still experience here and there any of the oops, uh ohs and pains possible during this most intimate act (that by the way never happen in the movies), but committed to living authentic intimacy, the sex will certainly be meaningful, and with all the more potential to be out of this world.
Short answer: Take small steps.
Long answer:
If you are not at a place to quit your current method cold turkey, then first learn the method of NFP that best suits your needs and begin to chart. Day by day, month by month grow in confidence in learning how to observe and interpret your cycles. While we do not encourage or promote the use of contraceptives, you may gradually wean yourself off of them. If you are on the Pill or some other form of hormonal contraceptive, replace that with a barrier method and use it in conjunction with your chosen method of NFP (essentially then you would be practicing what is known as Fertility Awareness Method). When you are ready, remove all contraceptive use and experience all the benefits of NFP! Just remember that when abstaining from intercourse during the fertile window of your cycle you will not get pregnant; but if you use a barrier or other mode of contraceptive during that phase you could potentially get pregnant because every form of contraception has the potential for failure and you would be subjecting yourselves to the failure rate of the chosen contraceptive. Let us be lovingly clear, FAM is not the same as NFP. We want to invite you to a life of authentic intimacy, be it by small steps or by taking the full plunge.
Short answer: Everyone has their own reasons, but ignorance usually plays a part.
Long answer:
We have experienced some medical professionals referring to NFP as the “rhythm-blues” or being told in medical school to avoid the NFP section in the textbook because it simply doesn’t work. Sigh. We'll say it ourselves: traditional NFP marketing sucks. NFP is ill-advertised and ill-funded. As such, many healthcare providers lack the education and exposure to properly understand (and therefore promote and teach) NFP to couples. Interestingly enough, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends teaching adolescents about their cycle, calling it the “fourth vital sign” to monitor. Educating healthcare providers about NFP is where we, as a team, need to start. If your doctor is adamantly opposed to working within the realms of NFP, feel free to ask someone on the Serena team to see if we can help you find a doctor that fits right for you and your family. Additionally, if your doctor is willing to work with you and NFP but needs more information or resources, feel free to ask us for information. Hopefully, we can help to relieve any anxieties or doubts you may have as well as dispel any NFP myths.
Short answer: Organizations with influence never trust that the average person can abstain.
Long answer:
It has not been easy to get mainstream society - particularly health providers and schools - to accept that there are viable alternatives of birth regulation for those who don't want to contracept. In recent decades those of us who took sex education at public high schools only received information about the Pill, IUD, and condoms -- and were told that withdrawal and the rhythm methods do not work. Aside from jokes made at the expense of “religious people”, there was absolutely no mention of Natural Family Planning. We are working hard to promote the science behind Serena's Sympto-Thermal Method (STM). Internationally, NFP has been acknowledged to be a safe and viable option to avoid pregnancy. Check out this article on NFP published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information and the BMJ, a peer-reviewed medical journal. Swaying the opinion of medical professionals who have a bias toward forms of contraception has certainly proven to be no easy feat! In secular circles there is growing interest in the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which is essentially using a form of NFP but contracepting with a barrier or other method during the fertile window of the woman's cycle. Holly Grigg-Spall's book, Sweetening the Pill, has a lot of media attention and is getting women more aware there are actually other ways to manage fertility without hormonal birth control. A documentary about her book is in the works by Ricki Lake. Recently, the Sun News Network and Vancouver 24 Hrs have published articles about more women turning to NFP for non-religious reasons.
Short answer: NFP is poorly funded and so, poorly advertised.
Long answer:
Yup, we've said it elsewhere on this site. Traditonal NFP marketing stinks. We know it. But we don't mean for it to stink. While we're not trying to make excuses, allow us please to explain... Most of the NFP work out there has been and continues to be done by volunteers who want to share with the world the good life that NFP has afforded them. Many of these volunteers happen to have young families which makes any extra investment of time, effort, energy and money into anything else a real stretch. Moreover, getting the sophisticated science of NFP down is one thing (we give credit to all the medical professionals - like Serena's very own Dr. Suzanne Parenteau - who work tirelessly to research and develop the various, reliable methods that you can find today). But getting the whole business side of things down is an entirely different ball game. The medical professionals and most of us volunteers committed to this cause typically have no training or background in how to effectively market our good message. The result? Granola brochures. Granola presentations. Granola exhibit booths. Granola websites (if a website is even to be had). Granola you name it. We NFP organizations are not out to make money. We're out to share something really good. No money = little support and little funding = granola = little credibility. See our challenge? All this said, we're trying to change things beginning with this website and we hope we have made an impression on you. No more granola - not just for the benefit of Serena and NFP, but for your personal good, our good, everyone's good. Here are a few NFP sites we've come across that are also making a better impression (we'll keep adding to the list as we learn of more): www.1flesh.org, www.iusenfp.com, www.lovenaturallynfp.com and www.naturalfertilitymatters.com. Please let us know if you come across any others.
Short answer: No. The rhythm method is a method of NFP, but one that is out of date and unreliable.
Long answer:
Unfortunately, NFP is all too commonly mistaken for the rhythm method. While the rhythm method is a form of NFP, it is not one that we would recommend because there are more sophisticated methods that are proven to be effective for avoiding pregnancy (such as Serena's STM!). The rhythm method was one of the earlier forms of NFP which predicts when a woman will be fertile based on her previous cycles. While it can work for women who are regular, life all too often will present circumstances that will cause a change in the length a woman's cycle, and so throwing off the rhythm necessary for the success of the method.
Short answer: It's a question of means and ends. Fundamentally, the difference has to do with HOW the methods work.
Long answer:
You can't differentiate NFP from contraception on the basis of their ends, that is, birth regulation. Both NFP and contraception can essentially achieve the same end of avoiding or achieving pregnancy (in the case of contraception, conception is only possible by its discontinuation). You can, however, differentiate the two on the basis of their means, that is, how they work. Contraception attempts to sterilize sexual intercourse by either interrupting the sexual act itself (e.g. withdrawal), altering your body's natural functions (e.g. hormonal methods and sterilization), or by literally blocking the flow of your body's natural design (e.g. barrier methods). By careful observation of the signs and symptoms of each cycle, NFP, on the other hand, works with and respects your natural fertility.
Short answer: They cannot facilitate authentic intimacy. Please, let us explain!
Long answer:
Angle 1: The Tangible Negatives of Contraception Each contraceptive bears its own list of real health, physical (including mechanical) and emotional and environmental risks and side effects, all of which are not mutually exclusive. Want to know more? Google "Yaz birth control pill deaths" or "drug fact sheets" and read the fine print! For additional reading check out BBC News’ Tracking Sex Hormone Pollution. Hormonal contraceptives (including the Pill, injections like Depo Provera, and the IUD) can also be abortifacients. If their main modes of function fail and conception occurs, their fail safe is to prevent implantation of the fertilized egg and the newly conceived child will be aborted. Lastly, hormonal contraceptives can very well alter your attraction towards one another! Check out this video. Angle 2: The Abstract Negatives of Contraception (in light of authentic intimacy) All contraceptives work to either interrupt the sexual act itself (withdrawal), alter your body's natural functions (hormonal methods and sterilization), or by literally blocking the flow of your body's natural design (barrier methods). In these ways, they each essentially come between a couple who can be living authentic intimacy instead. Also, if it ain't broke don't fix it! A woman’s fertility is naturally and intentionally designed and is not a malady to be “fixed”. The same is true for a man’s fertility. Fertility is a natural part of our human identity!
Short answer: "Barrier" is just so contrary to what is supposed to be a unitive act!
Long answer:
All contraceptives work to either interrupt the sexual act itself (withdrawal), alter your body's natural functions (hormonal methods and sterilization), or by literally blocking the flow of your body's natural design (barrier methods). In these ways, they each essentially come between a couple who can be living authentic intimacy instead. The dictionary defines "barrier" as: (noun) a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress. By its very meaning, we believe that barrier methods do not align with what is supposed to be the most intimate and life-giving act.
Short answer: Abstinence.
Long answer:
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is essentially using a form of NFP but attempting to prevent pregnancy with a barrier method during the fertile window of the woman's cycle. The problem with this: you are having sex during your fertile time and even if you are not planning on it, your chances of getting pregnant are greatly increased. With any contraceptive use, you would be subjecting yourself to the failure rate of the particular method. Conversely, NFP helps couples identify their fertile window through various signs and symptoms and then recommends abstinence during this time if they are trying to avoid pregnancy. The potential downer to this is that as a couple, you must abstain from sex during this phase. The benefit? A dramatically better chance of effectively planning your family AND the "honeymoon period" that is experienced each cycle when you can resume intercourse at the same time when the fertile phase ends (abstinence makes the heart grow fonder). While FAM is a step towards NFP, it is NOT NFP. The practice of NFP ceases at the point any contraceptive is introduced. If you are using FAM, we encourage you to consider making the switch to NFP -- we can help you! We believe that contraception does not and can never facilitate authentic intimacy between husband and wife. For more on why this is so read more on contraception.
Short answer: Very effective. :-)
Long answer:
For percentages and a well-informed understanding of how to interpret effectiveness and statistics, see our page on Effectiveness and Satisfaction.
Short answer: It's THE MOST effective type of birth control out there for achieving pregnancy!
Long answer:
NFP is the only type of birth control that not only helps to avoid pregnancy, but also to achieve it. A simple change-of-heart one month is all that it takes to start to try for your first or another "mini-me". You don't have to wait for your cycles to return to normal (often the case with hormonal contraceptives), you don't need to remove any device (as with the IUD), or you don't have to invest emotionally, mentally, physically and financially to reverse what was supposed to be irreversible (as with a vasectomy and tubal ligation). Not only this, you as a couple are equipped with the knowledge and understanding of the female's personal and unique cycle and are therefore able to identify when her most fertile days are. Remember that achieving a pregnancy is determined through your combined fertility as a couple. If pregnancy is not achieved within a few months of trying during the fertile phase, seeking-out medical assistance may be recommended. Thankfully, you will be ahead of the game since couples are often requested to start charting their cycle during the investigation into any possible fertility and reproductive issues.
Short answer: Yes! It's actually a healthy choice for mama and baby!
Long answer:
It's not typically the easiest season to navigate your fertility after having a baby. It's a time of watching and waiting for the return of the woman's cycle. If you are not prepared to conceive as soon as your cycle returns, then we highly recommend you take our After A Baby course. For mamas who plan on exclusively breastfeeding, there is the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) which can typically be used until the baby is 6 months old provided that all criteria are met (for some women, the practice of LAM can be extended even longer). Clinical studies have shown that LAM boasts a 0.5-1.5% perfect use pregnancy rate (for references, please contact us). Whether or not you are transitioning from LAM, the Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) can also be used and is effective postpartum. If you're planning on taking our After A Baby course, we recommend you do it before baby arrives (your hands will be full enough when baby is here!). If you have not already learned the STM with us, we recommend you take After A Baby in conjunction with STM Basics.
Short answer: By observing and charting signs of optimal fertility.
Long answer:
Chances of conception are highest when intercourse takes place during the most fertile days of the cycle. To increase your chances, however, you may want to consider abstinence between days of intercourse during your fertile window to allow for sperm to replenish (having intercourse too frequently could decrease your chances of conception if sperm counts are lower than they could be.) Other factors that may affect your fertility are: stress, diet and even the amount of light in your room as you sleep at night. The season of "trying to conceive" is so special and exciting. It can also be tense and painful if you've been trying for months, even years, without success. If you are having trouble conceiving, it may not be that you are "infertile", it could just be that you are "sub-fertile" and missing the most optimal days for conception. Charting can sure help. It can also help to identify any possible reproductive and/ or overall health issues. Contact us if you have questions or need someone to talk to. We are here to help on this sensitive topic.
Short answer: NFP and charting can help.
Long answer:
Infertility can be a very painful reality for couples. If you are having trouble conceiving and think you may be infertile, we are here to support you. If you are not already practicing NFP, we would encourage you first to learn a method (be it with us or another credible NFP organization) and to begin charting. While we will not be able to give you an official diagnosis, your charts could very well help us to identify any possible issues that need further medical investigation and we can refer you to the help you need. Your charts could indicate sub-fertility, which means that you are not actually infertile, but that for one reason or another you have more difficulty conceiving. With NFP and specifically Serena's STM, the days of optimal fertility can be identified and with that information sub-fertile couples certainly have a better chance at getting pregnant. For more complicated reproductive issues, we do highly recommend the Creighton Model of NFP. Creighton's NaProTECHNOLOGY offers a natural alternative to the mainstream reproductive technologies out there. It is a relatively unknown yet effective option that is less costly for the couple not only financially, but also emotionally, mentally and physically. For example NaProTECHNOLOGY success stories check out Natural Fertility Matters, the website of Freda McMahon, a Creighton Practitioner based in the UK. To find a Creighton Practitioner near you, see www.fertilitycare.org. For Creighton Practitioners in Vancouver, BC see FertilityCare Vancouver. If the possibility of infertility is an issue that you’re facing, we’re really sorry. We understand that it can be a painful process. If you would like to learn more about how Serena’s STM can help, contact us.
Short answer: Yes!
Long answer:
Serena's Sympto-Thermal Method is only one of many modern and effective NFP methods available. While we admit we are totally biased towards Serena not only for its method, but also for its couple approach to fertility, we are also big fans of the other available NFP organizations and their respective methods. We support you in your choice of NFP. The best method and approach is that which works best for you as husband and wife and your particular circumstances. There are various organizations that offer NFP services, among them here are some of the most well-known and established:
Sympto-Thermal Method
(observation of cervical mucus, other symptoms as well as basal body temperature)
Couple-to-Couple League or Live the Love
Marquette Model of NFP (ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor to measure hormone levels)
Sympto-Pro Fertility Educationoffered by Northwest Family Services. See also: Love Naturally NFP
Ovulation Method
(observation of cervical mucus)
The Billings Ovulation Method taught by WOOMB. In Canada? See also: WOOMB Canada
Creighton Model Fertilitycare System featuring NaProTECHNOLOGY. To find a Creighton Practitioner see www.fertilitycare.org. For Creighton Practitioners in Vancouver, BC see FertilityCare Vancouver Reliable information on NFP is hard to come by.
Even we NFP service organizations can seem disjointed in our approaches to reach out you. Here at Serena we hope to build bridges as well as to establish some notoriety for NFP. For a more exhaustive list of NFP methods and fertility monitors , see this review by Sara Fox Peterson. While written from a Catholic perspective, her review is the one of the most thorough and helpful resources we've come across. All this said, in finding the method that suits you best, do your research! While we can attest to the sophistication and effectiveness of Serena's STM, we can't share that same endorsement for all other methods and monitors listed (we just don't know enough about them!).
Short answer: With our method, yes! It's part and parcel with effectiveness, for avoiding or achieving pregnancy!
Long answer:
Charting is imperative for all modern and effective methods of NFP (Serena's STM is no exception!). The data you collect on your charts will not only help you to understand what is going on with your cycle each month, but it will also help us to interpret and problem solve if you seek out our support. Besides, having a track record of your reproductive health is pretty awesome and it will help you to make your family planning decisions accordingly.
Short answer: They aren't our first choice, but there are options.
Long answer:
We'll be honest, we are fans of methods which rely on the human intellect and capacities of husband and wife to gauge fertility. As such, we really only recommend NFP methods that require symptom observation and charting (like Serena's STM). That said, there are other natural methods of birth regulation that rely on devices to indicate which part of the cycle the woman is at (for example, by measuring her hormone or salt levels). We personally don't know enough about these fertility monitors and their degrees of effectiveness, but they are out there. For a more exhaustive list of NFP methods and fertility monitors, see this review by Sara Fox Peterson. While written from a Catholic perspective, her review is the one of the most thorough and helpful resources we've come across. Remember: if your goal is to avoid pregnancy, regardless of what natural method or fertility monitor you choose, you are only actually practicing NFP (and reaping all the benefits that come along with it) if you abstain during your fertile phase!
Short answer: No. *sob*
Long answer:
We're old school. Serena uses paper charts. We highly recommend that you chart by hand to start. Doing so will surely help you to familiarize yourself with not only the method but also your own patterns and cycles. Unfortunately, we currently do not have a Serena charting app available -- yet! We hope to have an awesome app in the works soon provided that we can secure the funding (want to contribute to the fund? :D). In the meantime, we've heard that Selene and Kindara are good options for Sympto-Thermal Method users.